Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let's Start the New Year Right

Welcome to the new blog! Each day, I will select 5 songs on a specific topic. My inspiration is Eklektikos with John Aielli, where each day he picks a theme and builds his whole show around it. Some days his theme is a thing, like "Songs that Talk about Rabbits," other days it may be "Misty" with every cover of that song that he can find. Since we're starting on January 1, today's theme is about starting the year right and inspiration--so let's keep those resolutions!

1, Let's Start the New Year Right--Bing Crosby

Part of making changes in your life is realizing your life is yours to change, right? Bon Jovi has a thing or two to say on that subject:

2. It's My Life--Bon Jovi

When you first put those goals down for the year, they seem like dreams. Impossible Dreams.

3. The Impossible Dream from The Man of La Mancha.

As you start trying to make your new year better, you realize changes are not made over weeks or months. . .they're made in moments. Don't let the moment slip away.

4.The Moment Slipped Away (Christine Lavin)

5. After working hard, you also have to accept that things go wrong sometimes. You can't let it break you. If you get knocked down, get up again!

I Get Knocked Down--Chumbawamba

So there you go--all you need to conquer the New Year. Please let me know how you like the new blog in the comments, and share it with your friends!

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