Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moon! Christine Lavin!

I've tried to find interesting songs, since so many songs have the moon in their lyrics. But I found so many I loved by one of my favorite artists I just indulged myself. Christine Lavin is a gifted singer-songwriter with a love for science and is, well, more than a little quirky.

As it turns out. . .she doesn't have a lot of songs on YouTube. So the last Moon Song is not from her.

Appreciate the moon. Some people think we won't have it forever:

1.What if We Had No Moon

Most people have someone they've moved on from, but never quite forgotten. Evidently, so has Christine. She wrote the song, but another fave of mine, David Wilcox, revamped it and this is his version.
"At times like this, when the moon is right. . .":

2. It was the Kind of Love You Never Recover From

This is one of my favorites. Just sweet and lovely.
3. Shining My Flashlight on the Moon:

Another astronomical song. I love the way she paints the picture of meeting a love. Key lyric: "I feel like a satellite way too long in space." Tee-hee. There was no YouTube for this one, so here's the link from MySpace. This whole album is great!

4. Venus Kissed the Moon

5. This is just a snippet from La Boheme. But it's also a clip from MOONstruck. It was one of the first movies my husband and I watched while we were dating. (He also introduced me to Monty Python, but that's not nearly so romantic.) After all Christine Lavin's fairly wistful songs, this seemed like a fitting end to today's entry.

What are your favorite moon songs?

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